Live Oak transp Sm.png

The voice was enraptured by the mighty oak. "Oh, I want to be just like you someday. How may I grow to be a strong and mighty oak like you?"

The mighty oak replied: "I was a young sapling and also had the desire to become a mighty oak. So I hired a forester to help me grow tall. The forester grabbed me by the trunk and yanked me up to grow taller. My leaves shuddered, the hand on my neck grew tighter, and as hard as he tried, I never grew taller. 

Then Nature spoke to me: "Just relax and allow your roots to grow deeper and deeper .I now started to feel my trunk relax the hold the forester had had on it--the leaves grew peaceful--and so did I.

As time went by, with this new calmness, the oak's roots descended deeper and deeper. As they descended the oak grew taller and taller. The height was in the depth.

In these turbulent times, especially now, one has time to relax and allow the body to open naturally. Observe what happens. Nature cannot be rushed. In time the pitch occurs with no effort and this depth finds the height--they occur at the same time--chiaroscuro. Nature is the greatest teacher. Try it.  

Tom Schilling, March 29, 2020

Tom SchillingVOCALWAY