If we think of our bodies as totally square {a CUBE}, we have made space inside - head included. In doing so, we have a square head NOT connected to the square body. There is room there as well because there would be NO NECK. This bypasses the larynx and the tongue. They don't exist. The entrance to the air is behind them in the windpipe.
At the top and back of the square head we can access the UVULA. Before allowing the body to take a breath, the uvula goes back and down, behind the palette. The palette goes east and west allowing the uvula to descent into the square of the body. This allows air into the windpipe inflating the diaphragm in a COMPLETE BREATH below the waist.
The bottom of the pyramid is this complete breath - the top is the uvula. When air is drawn from the bottom of the pyramid, it draws the uvula down even further and opens the throat in the windpipe. This engages the vocal cords. Now we have the CROWN chakra and the ROOT chakra engaged. In this way all the chakras will be energized in the open body. An ENERGETIC body is free of the constraints of the physical body.
The voice works on the COMPRESSION OF AIR, not air pressure.
In a documentary on making blue wine, the recipe was to combine white wine with red wine. When combined they make blue wine. The color of the Crown chakra is white. The color of the
Root chakra is red. This combination transforms into blue wine.