One sings with the brain. Our minds are the obstacle.
Information is absolutely necessary. STOP! Correct information is absolutely necessary. Only correct information will lead you to the wisdom of the brain—our personal computer.
The mind is situated in the front of the skull. The brain is located in the back and top of the skull. The muscles of the face pull down and forward, blocking the entrance to the windpipe. The face must be in the shape of a square, with a real smile. For our purposes there is no right and left brain. The mind is in the front of the ears, and the brain in the back of the ears, up in the skull.
In the back of the skull lives squillo. It is a small spot open to the huge tank of air below - the diaphragm. Squillo OCCURS when air is drawn AWAY from the physical body by the diaphragm. Only then is the sound connected to the moving body, flying free and easy—effortless mastery.
When this connection is made, there is no judgement of the sound you are making - it just is. You analyze AFTER the fact. The brain does not analyze or criticise. The body relaxes completely and allows the sound to happen. This sound becomes the music. Diction follows the sound. The drama is in the melody with the words riding on the overtone.
Our computer takes over when the mind stops thinking.
Tom Schilling, April 18, 2020