It is very unfortunate that so much emphasis is being placed on diction. We no longer hear Italian, but Eyetalian. My computer signals me that there is an error in spelling. Similarly, there is an error in the singer's sound. PRONOUNCING distorts the clarity of the vowels that carry the meaning of the words to the audience.
Italian is clear when there is no constriction from the larynx, tongue, or mouth. Otherwise, words are not riding on the OVERTONE. Words do not create the overtone. Pronouncing them causes a VIBRATO, not a free vibration. Any other language is the same. Clear vowels make the language understood.
Without clarity of vowel, words have no meaning. Words are not direct--that is placement. We must go for the MEANING of the words so that they BECOME clear and then fly free to the audience. One must see and hear words before adding any energy--no support! Words will take the energy they need--don't add. With a low breath the sound becomes deeper and higher--not heavier. The sound becomes HIGHER and LOWER than one can place it. That is SQUILLO.
The vocal instrument is a fragile one and must be treated as such. The vowel should RING like a bell. Incorrect coordination causes a flutter in the voice. It is hard to believe that when you do LESS the result is clear and powerful. BE in control--not controlling. That is vocal mastery.
Tom Schilling, September 21st, 2020